I bleed Red & Black, it's plain and simple. September hits and I get giddy, there's no way around it. I have been in love with The University of Georgia Bulldawgs (that's right, BullDAWGS) since I was born. Mom and Dad went there, as well as all three of my aunts and my brother and my high school best friends and my oldest friend in the whole world and the list keeps going. Mom and Dad were taking me to games from the time that I was toddling around
Case in point, this is me at a UGA v GT game on November 20, 1982. I was just about 2 and 1/2. We decided to start with Ella when she was a bit younger than that
She attended her first game just a few weeks shy of her first birthday. She didn't quite get the concept but boy, did she love the cheerleaders! To this day if a football game comes on TV she bursts into "GOOOO Dawgs, Sic 'Em, woof woof woof!" Makes a Mommy proud-HA!
Part of attending a game (or even hosting an at home viewing) is the tailgating. Here in the south it is truly an art. We have friends that went to college either out west or up north and, though the concept is the same, the pomp and circumstance that comes along with it just can't match the south. While some may find it strange, we girls wear our sundresses and the boys are in button downs and khakis and sometimes a tie.
We throw around the football, mingle with fellow tailgaters, and drink. There also may be some grilling involved by the gents, but we ladies love to put out our spread. Everyone sets up their UGA tents and tables full of dips, goodies and the bar. This year, to have our tent stand out in the crowd, I have added this little gem
We can hang this flag high over our tent, with our name pronounced across the bottom, or even hang it on the front porch when it's an away game that we can't make! I will also be keeping all of the beverages under our tent nice and chilly in this awesome beverage bucket
And when the time to end the tailgate has come and we make our way in to the stadium, it's always a hoot to see everyone figure out how they are going to smuggle their Jack in. In the South, they do not serve alcohol in the stadium and four quarters plus a half time is entirely too long to go with out another Jack n Coke, so then comes the flask game. Usually the boys will hand their flask off to us girls to hide somewhere on us, but this year I am going to have my own flask...and its pink!
How cute is that?!? Not all things on Gameday must be Red & Black (though if you please, we also have the flask in black!) and as much, LMM has all of these goodies in the school of your spirit, but don't expect me to cheer for them...remember, I bleed Red & Black! GOOO DAWGS SIC EM!!!!!